Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Numbness is a prison guard

Most of the time the idea of a prison guard carries with it a negative connotation, associated with oppression, brutality, and inequality. But, sometimes prison guards aren’t so bad, you know— some of them have families, they’re committed to justice and freedom of the people in a way, and are doing the best job they can. They often become more jaded and morph in to this intimidating figure over time, as it seems necessary to keep order. But what does numbness have to do with prison or the people guarding it? I’m glad you asked. Numbness in a person’s life comes in to restore order when all seems to be out of control, chaotic. Emotions flying off the wall, taking you to places and thoughts and feelings you don't want to be, so numbness offers to lock them up and keep them at bay. The only catch: they lose their freedom. You can make deals with numbness just like inmates make deals with the guards. You can get on their good side; nobody gets hurt if you just play by their rules. As long as you let numbness govern your feelings, your life will be okay. Now, obviously prison is not the greatest place to spend the rest of your life, but once you’re there you might as well make the best of it right? Yeah I guess, unless you’re innocent, unless you didn't do anything wrong to deserve imprisonment and someone just came by one day when you were living your life and locked you up. Then that wouldn't be ok. Then why do we do that to our emotions? They’re just out there, acting up sometimes but not committing any crimes and then one day we say, you know what, this is too much, I want you gone. And numbness comes and drags them away and locks them up. It seems like a good deal, until you realize that you gave up your freedom to feel, to experience full joy, to mourn deeply and receive comfort, and most of all, experience fullness of life with your Savior

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